King County Pacific Right Bank Flood Protection Project

PRB Scoping Poster FINAL.png

We are providing public and stakeholder engagement support for the King County Pacific Right Bank Flood Protection Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). At the beginning of the project we collaborated with County staff and consultant team members to develop a Communications Strategy, Community Involvement Plan, and an Equity and Social Justice (ESJ) Assessment and Action Plan.

Early implementation of these plans included conducting stakeholder interviews, briefing Tribes and agency partners, meeting with the City of Pacific’s Parks Board and Planning Commission, doorbelling in neighborhoods around the proposed project area, tabling at community events, and designing and distributing informational materials such as posters and mailers.

We tailored our outreach approach as we moved forward to ensure we were reaching target groups identified in the ESJ plan and incorporating ideas shared by local leaders for effective engagement. These early outreach efforts built relationships, improved project understanding, and encouraged people to provide comments during the Scoping Period, which ended in April 2018. We also helped plan, facilitate, and design materials for the Scoping Meeting. Marcia Wagoner is leading this effort with support from Rebecca Fornaby.